Helen Brophy

Helen has a BS from the University of Rhode Island with graduate studies in physical science, chemistry, and counseling. For the past 20 yrs. she has studied and advocated a natural all-inclusive, responsible approach to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. Her belief and approach includes obtaining a rich balance encompassing all aspects of life through nutrition, exercise, spiritual and mental development, and responsible environmental habits.

Bring Hope and Joy into Your Heart

Everyone strives for that holiday feeling of hope and joy.  We all remember being a child with an open heart, aware of all the wonder and magic around us. We would like to feel that way again.  As responsible adults we become so caught up in our daily lives we sometimes lose awareness of peace…

For a quick energizer sniff peppermint

Put two Drops of organic essential oil of peppermint on a cotton ball. Place in a small container to bring along while shopping.  Sniff for a quick energy boost while getting a little germ protection at the same time.  Peppermint is an energizer as well as an antiviral and antibacterial.  

Good News About Olive Oil and Breast Cancer

Olive oil is in the news again and it is good news.  We know olive oil contains monounsaturated fat which benefits our hearts and helps to keep blood vessels more flexible.  Research has shown memory improves with the addition of olive oil to our diet.  The good news this week appeared in Journal of the…

There is no possession more valuable than a good friend.


Dump The Fat Free Salad Dressing

Do not use fat free salad dressing.  Use a good fat like extra virgin olive oil or grate on a little hard cheese like parmesan or cheddar.  We need fat to efficiently absorb carotenoids and other fat-soluble nutrients.  Add just enough good fat to make your salad healthier.

The 8 Healthiest Cheeses to Eat

Cheese can be healthy if eaten in moderation. Hard cheeses are generally healthier than soft cheeses. Cheese contains a lot of protein, calcium and zinc. A small amount added to salads or any vegetable will help the body absorb the nutrients they contain.  Moderation is key! Cheese is notoriously high in sodium but parmesan and…

What Happens if You Eat Organic for a Week?

We need to return to healthy farming practices. Our children are being adversely affected by all the pesticides, cancer rates are rising, our water is being polluted and we are killing off our honey bees which will have widespread ramifications. Choose organic whenever possible! The issues of GMO labeling and possible health effects can seem…