swing-it_martin_danielssonThere are billions of planets in our galaxy alone and eight or nine in our Solar System. Our closest neighbors have extremely harsh environmental conditions as do most of the planetary bodies of which we are aware.
Isn’t it amazing we are at a perfect distance from the sun to provide just enough warmth and energy to safely power our entire earth? We have enough energy to warm our soil and grow our food. We have an atmosphere containing just the right amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide and nitrogen for animal and plant life to thrive in a symbiotic relationship.
Our Earth is a gift beyond compare, more beautiful than most of us realize. We have abundant clean oceans, soil and waterways. Our earth supports approximately 8.7 million species, 6.5 on land and 2.2 in our oceans.
It is a crime against humanity and all living things to abuse and pollute this great Earth of ours. We have to make every effort to live symbiotically with our surroundings, protecting, nurturing and respecting all life forms and our earth which supports us all.

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Helen Brophy

Helen has a BS from the University of Rhode Island with graduate studies in physical science, chemistry, and counseling. For the past 20 yrs. she has studied and advocated a natural all-inclusive, responsible approach to maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle. Her belief and approach includes obtaining a rich balance encompassing all aspects of life through nutrition, exercise, spiritual and mental development, and responsible environmental habits.